Blackfoot Map Info

Blackfoot Map Notes:

Marshes are mostly dry this year.
Ducks Unlimited continue to dam some of the marshes to create ponds. We remapped those that we found.

Boulders should be at least 1metre tall, but the ones on the Blackfoot map are really only rocks, but conspicuous rocks. On the control description, boulders are shown as a solid triangle.

Green Os are distinct single trees

Green Xs are root stocks – trees that have fallen over and are showing their roots. The control description symbol for a rootstock is a circle with a full size X inside. This symbol can also mean a tree stump.

Black Xs are brush piles.

Fences: the ones separating the fields from the dark green areas are usually barbed wire; the rest are tight wires, which you can go under of between.

Trails: Not all trails are mapped; only the more distinct ones are shown.

2.5m contour interval. Map scales for Sunday event:
TD2 at 1:7,500;
TD3 at 1:10,000;
Course 4 at 1:10,000
Course 5 at 1:12,500

Saturday activities for beginner / novice at various scales.

Safety bearing for Sunday B event: WEST to a fence (not always the same fence!). Everyone must check back in by 4pm, finished or not.
On TD2, if you come to a barbed-wire fence, do NOT cross it. 

Cell phone coverage is spotty. Head to the top of a hill to make a call.

Washroomsbetter than average outhouses next to the parking lot and shelter.

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